Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"Manasu thurannu" Semininar conducted by Thanal charitable organis ation and Lakshadweep sahithya pravarthaka sangam

An one day seminar "Manasu thurannu" is conducted by Thanal charitable organisation and Lakshadweep sahithya pravarthaka sangam. The seminar topic is anti drugs. Kiltan khasi shammun faisi, Mr Maulana and many speakers talk about the topic.Every man is depends on its surroundings, so it is very very important to keep our socity healthy. Each and everyone of us is responsible for spreading anti drug campain.

Friday, August 6, 2010

have a look at this photograph

A cow and her child bathing in sea. The cow might think it as a river and triying to drink.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Strike in kiltan island

A strike is organised by school students and local people. The reason for the strike is non availability of permanent teachers. This is the biggest strike I have ever seen in kiltan. Peoples from all political parties joins together and hence it is almost success.
The ASDO ordered for gun fire towards students. The police fire towards sky. He may face some actions.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

New light house

The construction of new light house in the northern side of kiltan island is almost going to finish.